Osbornedale State Park
Derby, CT

Main (203) 735-4311

Know Before You Go
Places To Visit
Osbornedale State Park is a great place for any geology enthusiast. Not only are there several different rock types exposed in the park, but also within the park's boundaries there are geologic folds, quarries, and abandoned mines. Additionally, families can enjoy the wonderful Kellogg Environmental Center that is on the park's property.
Rock Types Found on Main Trail:
Igneous (Diabase), Metamorphic (Schist, Gneiss)
Rock Units:
Carrington Pond Member (Ordovician): Interlayered rusty weathering schist and light gray gneiss; Harrision Gneiss (Ordovician): Medium-grained foliated gneiss
Minerals of Interest:
Quartz crystals, Biotite, Feldspar
Interesting Geologic Features:
Folds, Quarry, Mines, Dike, Parallel Fractures, Natural Spring
Places To Visit
Reserve an open air picnic shelter
- Online: Visit Reserve America
- By phone: 1-877-668-CAMP (2267)
- Learn more about our picnic shelter rental polices and reservation details
Field Trips
The Kellogg Environmental Center and Osborne Homestead Museum is available for groups to visit as part of organized educational programming provided by schools, camps and community organizations. Our education team offers hands-on, engaging educational programs and investigations, to encourage students to develop critical thinking skills to explore environmental and historical questions and issues. All programs are available for school, youth groups, and organizations and can be presented either on or off-site. Custom programs are available.
Additional Park Info
Environmental Center
Picnic Tables
Yes, on leash