A river through the trees in fall (Instagram@lizardwest)

Scantic River State Park

Enfield/East Windsor/Somers, CT

An extensive trail network, bountiful fishing, a lush oasis of flora and fauna, a treasure trove of historical relics from Connecticut’s one-time powerhouse gunpowder industry, and some of the best white-water kayaking in the state come together in this dynamo of a park. The waterway features sections of raging rapids and more gentle flows as winds from its Massachusetts headwaters winds through 38 miles of hardwood forests, meadows, and swamplands before joining the Connecticut River in South Windsor.

Unlike most of Connecticut’s state parks which are relatively self-contained in a single parcel of land, Scantic River State Park’s 784 acres sprawl across three separate sections in three separate towns along the Scantic River Watershed. 

Hazardville, Enfield CT 

Scitico and Somersville, Enfield CT 

Broadbrook, East Windsor CT 

Views from the Park

Off Route 190
Enfield/East Windsor/Somers, CT 06082


Open Daily
(8:00 a.m. – Sunset)


Main (860) 684-3430

Email deep.shenipsit@ct.gov

Two people white water canoeing in the river (Instagram@rkblue123)




  • Parking is allowed only in designated areas.  
  • No alcohol is permitted at Scantic River State Park. 
  • Please carry out what you carry in. Thank you for not littering. 
  • All pets must be on a leash that is no longer than 7 feet. 
  • There is no camping at Scantic River State Park. 
  • Beginning in Mid-October sections of the park is open to hunters. Consider wearing bright clothing and avoid wearing gray, brown, tan, or white when hiking in hunted areas to increase your visibility. 

Park Trails Maps: 



The Scantic River section from Millpond in Somersville, CT to Melrose Road, Broad Brook, CT is approximately 10 miles in length and contains numerous ledges and rips which should only be attempted by experienced boaters. Numerous fallen trees and other obstacles may be encountered. Exercise caution on your portages.  

Whether you are a new or seasoned paddler, there are a few items of etiquette and rules of navigation to be aware of before venturing out on the water. 

Know your ability 

Be honest with yourself when planning a trip. Rough water, white water, or rapids can be difficult for experienced paddlers and are no place for beginners.  

Plan ahead 

Know the waters that you are paddling and plan your day accordingly. Tell someone where you are going, what boat you are taking and when you plan on returning, this is called filing a “float plan.” The information in a “float plan” will help first responders rescue you faster should an accident occur.  

The Scantic River spans 38 miles in length, rising through the hills and forests of Stafford, CT, rushing downhill on sand and gravel bottoms, slowing through the farmlands and quickens its flow through the historic sections of Enfield, CT. The changing face of the river from a roaring torrent in spring, to a slow meander in summer dictates that the boaters exercise different precautions. 

Additional Information

For additional information regarding canoeing on the Scantic River, please contact the Scantic River Watershed Association



The Scantic River is a very fishable stream with a diversity based on the river flow, shade and bottom type. Some sections of the Scantic River have various reports of catches including yellow perch, rainbow trout, brown trout, brook trout as well as large and small mouth bass, just to list a few.



A variety of trails both marked and unmarked will help you safely explore the park. The marked trails, mostly within the Scitico and Somersville section of the park, have colored blazes on trees to help guide your way. The Hazardville side has several unblazed trails that will lead through many of the old ruins of the gunpowder works that once made this area famous. With the noisy river passing over rocks it is almost always within earshot giving you an easy way to find your way back to your starting point. 

The trails at Scantic River Linear Park are non-motorized multi-use trails.  



Long before this valley of the Scantic River became a Connecticut State Park it was used as a source of energy to power the gunpowder manufacturing mills of Colonel Augustus Hazard. Along the banks of the river, Hazard harnessed the water’s power to energize the many mills he used to produce various grades of gunpowder. A catastrophic explosion in January of 1913 brought the gun powder business to an end. Lives were lost and nearby village doors and windows were shattered. In 1979, 66 years after the explosive conclusion of the Hazard Powder Company, the state of Connecticut acquired this, and many other sections along the Scantic River, to create Scantic River State Park.

Today a remnant maze of water canals, metal control structures, chiseled brownstone blocks, broken cast iron fittings, stone works for dams and occasional foundations serve as the only remains of the old powder factory.  

Take a Historic tour of the Hazard Powder Company 




Hunting is regulated by the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection as part of its comprehensive wildlife management program. During the appropriate season, hunting is allowed in a limited number of State Parks and many State Forests.   

The three main sections of Scantic River State Park are Open to Archery Deer and Turkey, no permit required.  

The Scitico and Somersville parcel and Melrose/Harrington Lot are also open to small game and waterfowl hunting by permit. Daily permits required from the third Saturday in October to the first Saturday in December. 




The varied riverine, floodplain, wetland and forested habitats within the park combined with this generally rural part of the state to attract a wide variety of birds. Quiet locations away from the designated parking areas will provide excellent opportunities to spot several various birds; look for greater diversity in the fall and spring as birds migrate north and south along the state's central valley. 









Yes, on leash